Colruyt Group Foundation

Additional opportunities for societal surplus value

Colruyt Group has always been committed to creating societal surplus value. We actively commit to enhancing health, promoting a better society and advancing animal welfare and environmental protection. Some challenges however surpass what we are equipped to handle as a retailer. Colruyt Group Foundation is a purpose-driven corporate foundation that closely aligns with the challenges the group prioritises, and works to create greater opportunities. The foundation's work seamlessly complements the group's commitment to fulfilling its societal role. Keep reading to discover the motivations and strategies behind the foundation's efforts.

Driving people to achieve their best

As a corporate foundation, Colruyt Group Foundation shares Colruyt Group's vision on society and several key principles. The foundation believes that everyone has the potential to grow, enabling them in turn to contribute to a better society. The main goal remains a more inclusive society in which everyone feels at home. That is why the foundation prioritises support for those in vulnerable situations. The foundation centres its work around three themes.

Participants in the Tomorrow's Voices project in 2023. Participants in the Tomorrow's Voices project in 2023.

1. Encouraging young people in Belgium and abroad

For 20 years, the corporate foundation has been opening up greater opportunities for young people in socio-economically vulnerable situations, both in Belgium and abroad. Through training, guidance and exchange, they build their resilience and adaptability, which prepares them for the labour market and ultimately empowers them to create positive change in their communities.

Through training, young people are prepared for the labour market. Through training, young people are prepared for the labour market.

2. Guiding farmers to more eco-friendly cultivation methods

Colruyt Group Foundation supports organisations in Belgium and abroad that assist farmers in adopting more sustainable practices. The foundation's education projects aimed at creating a more sustainable food chain often go hand in hand with our chain projects. The products from those chain projects are sold in our stores, under our house brand Boni.

Farmers receive guidance in their search for more sustainable practices. Farmers receive guidance in their search for more sustainable practices.

3. Promoting healthy eating for everyone

Colruyt Group Foundation is working to enhance access to healthy and sustainable food for individuals in vulnerable situations across Belgium. The foundation therefore supports various projects that fight food waste, provide balanced meals to young people at school and educate about healthy eating.

Young people have access to balanced meals at school. Young people have access to balanced meals at school.

Joining forces for even more positive change

To achieve their ambitions, the foundation can rely on Colruyt Group's resources (knowledge, experience, infrastructure, network). The retailer involves both its employees and its customers, allowing everyone to play their part.

  • Through the Xtra app, customers can redeem their savings points towards the sustainable savings programme or have their checkout receipt rounded up to support our projects.
  • Our employees also put their shoulders to the foundation with volunteer work: by providing coaching, mentoring young people, or offering a temporary home as a guest family.

With the contribution of both our customers and our employees, we bring about even more positive change.

Over the past year, we reached more than 16,558 youngsters through
21 projects in Belgium and abroad (11 countries).


Colruyt Group Foundation is more committed than ever today to inspiring and supporting young people through its projects. In addition to promoting healthy and widely accessible food for all, the foundation guides farmers in transitioning towards more sustainable cultivation methods. This is how we create a positive difference for society and the environment, day in day out.