Our sustainable initiatives

Within our sustainability strategy we formulate many ambitious long-term goals. To achieve them, more than 150 specific projects are organised: our sustainability initiatives.

Support in preventive health care Colruyt Group's new welfare chicken: better well-being for broiler chickens Preventing type 2 diabetes Responsible use of antibiotics in animals Smart and sustainable freight transport Social audits for better working conditions Direct collaboration with Belgian farmers Responsible pork production 12 million trees for clean air Pioneering with vertical farming Responsible soy cultivation in Belgium and abroad Stunned slaughter and audits at slaughterhouses Eat more plant-based food: go for 'fifty-fifty’ What with food surpluses in our stores? Sea farm for Belgian mussels Zero emission transport for goods Use of antibiotics in animals Extensive development offer for co-workers Carbon farming to improve the soil Towards minimum waste flows and maximum recycling Courteous and safe freight transport Eco-score Crownless pineapples International chain projects Better nutritional values for a more balanced eating pattern Reuse of waste and rainwater More Belgian fruit and vegetables Green mobility, also for our customers Sustainable mobility for workers Investing in green energy 100% certified wood and paper Rabbits from animal-friendly park systems Sustainable cooling of products Continuous learning and development More low-energy stores, less fossil fuels Sustainable fish Sustainable coffee and tea More sustainable palm oil Reducing CO2 emissions: how do we do this? Our energy reduction plan Circular building How do we promote biodiversity? Dinner is served at 1-2-3 euros Morrocan Medjoul dates Organic honey from Brazil More sustainable cashew nuts from Benin How we counter food loss Belgian fair trade chocolate Animal- and environmentally-friendly eggs Animal welfare in cattle Sustainable packaging