Does a product, initiative or service promote a safe and respectful environment you can live in? If so, you can recognise it by the community icon. If you support an initiative with the community icon or choose a product with that icon, you are contributing to a better society.
Initiatives regarding society
Thanks to the MSC and ASC label, and evaluations by independent researchers, we can offer more sustainable fish products.
We make a big deal out of sustainable freight transport. By 2035, all of our freight transport will be zero emission. Here you can discover how.
We continue to invest in embedding and sourcing our agri-food products in Belgium. This allows us to contribute to a more sustainable Belgian agriculture.
In Sea Farm Westdiep, we grow mussels 5 km off the Belgian coast. Since 2023 the first Belgian mussels are offered in our Cru stores.
Belgian chocolate? Yes, please! All Boni and Everyday chocolate has a sustainability label and we help small producers in two international chain projects.
Our delicious Boni cashew nuts come from Benin. We have been working directly with local farmers there since 2019.