Colruyt Lowest Prices
Colruyt is the Lowest Prices store of Colruyt Group. For more than 50 years we guarantee the lowest price for every product and at any time.
For consumers
This allows us to guarantee the lowest prices for our customers
Every day we compare the prices of our products with the prices of identical products or products with a similar quality in the other big stores near you. We also systematically go through all the other stores' promotional folders. We compare all these promotions with the Colruyt prices. If necessary we lower our price. And you see this in the lowest prices on your receipt.
Lowest costs, lowest prices
We use our resources sparingly and consciously. Our shops are no-frills, our working methods as efficient as possible. This also keeps our costs down and allows us to invest our resources in guaranteeing the lowest prices as much as possible.
Our Craftsmanship
Colruyt Butcher
Since 1950, your Colruyt Butcher has guaranteed craftsmanship with inspected quality and a big assortment at the lowest prices. We want to underline this with our own Beenhouwerij (Butcher's) brand. The cold meats from your Colruyt butcher shop are packaged in recyclable cardboard.
At Colruyt you will also find 100% Belgian and organic meat. Organic meat can be recognised by its green colour and the clear 'bio' label.
Online reservations and pick-up
Online orders are easily and quickly placed at the butcher of your Colruyt shop. This saves you time when you go shopping, because your butcher will have prepared your order for you.
For professionals
Professional customers can efficiently shop in all Colruyt stores in Belgium even for large quantities. There is a big assortment and sufficient stock and there is always a Colruyt store nearby where you can benefit from the lowest prices in your area.
Professional customers are able to reserve products and thus always benefit from special offers. Every Colruyt store has a single point of contact for professionals. Your regional account manager will gladly provide tailor-made advice.
Colruyt Professionals, your tailor-made store
You are also welcome in our 2 Colruyt stores for professionals with your Professionals Plus card. They are centrally located in Brussels (Meiser and Drogenbos) and easily accessible. In these stores you will find the lowest prices in your area and all special deals, including Colruyt's, under one roof.
- Longer opening hours
- Private parking and covered loading zone, with handy flat carts
- Sufficient stock and possibility at all times to reserve your products
- Exclusive hospitality sector assortment: products in large format and handy large packaging
- The wholesale price (C-price) is clearly specified on the price labels (incl. and excl. VAT)
Advantages of the Professionals Plus card
Is processing, selling or offering food part of your activity? And do you often buy large amounts of food for commercial purposes? Our Professionals Plus card is what you need.
- Competitive wholesale prices
- Xtra-discounts and special offers for professionals
- The lowest prices in your area
- A folder with exclusive discounts
You don't have a Professionals Plus card yet? Do you want to know whether your company or association is eligible for a card? Request your card online or in the store.