Graduate programme IT management for new IT managers

The IT management Graduate programme offers future IT managers the opportunity to develop themselves at their own pace for two years. And they can do so as they get to know the ins and outs of Colruyt Group while still contributing to the group from day one and expanding their network. It’s an ideal programme for ambitious school leavers with a Master’s degree in an IT field.

Develop your career at your own pace

The Graduate programme participants are given two years as trainees to hone their instincts. Useful for school leavers like Tom Roobaert (26), who started the programme with a diploma for commercial engineering in policy informatics under his arm in September 2022: “I was one of those young people who, after a lot of theoretical study, did not really know which direction they wanted to take on the labour market. The Graduate programme vacancy showed that there was room for personal interpretation. That certainly appealed to me.”

The opportunity to help shape the two-year programme is one of its major assets. Each trainee follows a different path. Victor Cornelus (27), who started his programme at the same time as Tom, agrees: “You take a very broad look at IT in the beginning, and you gradually work out which direction suits you best. It’s a very personal choice.”

Victor Cornelus Victor Cornelus

Immediate impact

The trainees’ path is mapped out with a supervisor. This will always be someone with an IT management function. The trainee and the supervisor work together to find projects that not only interest the trainee, but also offer immediate added value for the company. “My supervisor was working on IT audits of emerging companies such as Jims and Newpharma,” says Victor. “It was fascinating to experience it from up close. The most challenging audit I have ever supervised was the one for the acquisition of Degrenne Distribution. I was exposed to IT technology that predates my birth.”

For Tom, the meetings with his supervisor immediately made it clear that the financial aspect of IT interested him. He joined the IT Financial Support Team during his training programme. “But I’ve had the chance to wear different hats over the past two years,” adds Tom. “Experiencing different roles and contexts, that is a huge added value for me.”

Good support

Both Victor and Tom consider the thorough guidance as one of the biggest advantages of the IT Management Graduate programme. Victor: “I had an excellent rapport with my supervisor. He was always there for me. When I told him I was ready for the next step, new possibilities were explored immediately.”

Tom shares his colleague’s opinion, but adds a further comment: “It is up to the trainee to indicate what he/she wants or does not want. So don’t hesitate to request a new project. “There will be something ready for you within a week.”

Tom Roobaert Tom Roobaert
Tom Roobaert, old trainee
I’ve had the opportunity to wear different hats over the past two years. “Experiencing different roles and contexts, that is a huge added value for me.

“Part of the group”

Victor and Tom completed their Graduate programme in August 2024 with a presentation for IT management. What does the future bring? Victor started working as an IT team manager at Supply Chain Food during his programme. “During the process I noticed that a management position suited me well. I also prepared for it well with the necessary training courses on communication, leadership and personal growth.”

After the presentation, Tom took the plunge.  “I asked the directors what opportunities there were. It paid off. I will soon be working at Service Center Store Sales to support the Service Delivery Manager Run. In concrete terms, I ensure all the IT required for the Colruyt Lowest Prices, Okay and Bio-Planet stores is delivered as agreed. In addition, I have been given the opportunity to continue to combine this with my responsibilities for IT Service Financial Management.”

Two completely different outcomes; even so, both young men have this in common: they both feel they have reached their full potential after their ambassador of Colruyt Group training programme. “I actually felt ready when I was still in the Scouts, but now I really feel part of the Group,” laughs Victor. “Colruyt is truly a lifestyle.”

Tom confirms: “You often hear that Colruyt attaches great value to personal growth. And it’s true. They walk the talk.”

"For university graduates with entrepreneurial spirit"

Veerle Menten, as an IT management board member, was instrumental in the creation of the Graduate Program IT Management. For her, the program was a much-needed addition to other existing and successful traineeships (e.g. Traineeship Analysis): “With the Graduate Program, we target recently graduated university students who, in a relatively short period, want to and can take on a management role in our IT organization. We aim at students who achieve good grades but are also active in other areas and have a pronounced entrepreneurial spirit. For example, they might already have a business, be a chief leader in a youth organization, or participate in sports at a top level. Are you constantly seeking new challenges? Are you determined to invest in your career? Do you want to have an immediate impact on a large organization like Colruyt Group IT? Then the Graduate Program is something for you.”