Our role in preventive health

Interview with Pieterjan Nuitten and Gilles Jourquin

Over the next few years, Colruyt Group is going to focus even more on (preventive) health. During an insightful discussion, Pieterjan and Gilles , business unit managers of Jims and Newpharma, talk about the overarching vision and how they both want to support people to take their health into their own hands. 

Why are you focusing so prominently on health?

Pieterjan: “This focus actually originates from our members. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it became clear that the risks to those in good health were lower. This was when many people began to take their health into their own hands. Our members not only remember that, they are now making it their priority. Knowing that we reach 85% of Belgians with our brands, it is only logical that their priority becomes ours. We may not be able to cure anyone but what we can do is work on preventive health.”

Pieterjan Nuitten, business unit manager of Jims.

Gilles: “The main objective is for fewer people to suffer from a long-term illness. The increasing number of chronic patients is putting enormous pressure on our society and healthcare sector. We want to be one step ahead of those complaints. Many of our customers also want to play their part and invest in their health, posing increasingly specific questions in areas where we can offer advice.”

Pieterjan: “Moreover, health is something very personal. What does being healthy mean? For some, it means not being ill, for others it means being able to effortlessly run a marathon. Consequently, there are totally different profiles with totally different demands.” 

What role does Colruyt Group want to play?

Pieterjan: “What’s unique about Colruyt Group is that with all our brands we can offer an in-house solution. At Jims, you can exercise more and work on your weight. Newpharma’s supplements can help in the process. In turn, Colruyt Group Academy devotes attention to healthy eating and feeling good about yourself. Do you see how our brands naturally complement each other? A healthy diet, stress, sleep, vitamins, mental well-being: in our vision these are all part of being healthy.”

Gilles Jourquin, business unit manager Newpharma
The overarching mission is to make health more accessible and affordable.

Gilles: “The overarching mission is to make health more accessible and affordable. As Belgium’s largest retailer, we have to engage in our social commitment and support Belgians in their efforts. Take healthy eating for example, we really need to keep it affordable. If we encourage our four million customers to maintain their health and provide the context for them to do so, it has a huge impact. Again, if we can ensure people don’t require traditional healthcare it would make a significant contribution to our society. A type-2 diabetes patient costs the Belgian Commission for Reimbursement of Pharmaceuticals (RIZIV-INAMI) EUR 10,000 a year. What if we can minimise that?”

Gilles (left) en Pieterjan (right).

Is that because traditional healthcare is inadequate?

Gilles: “It’s just complementary. The ultra-local physical pharmacy and digital pharmacy are providing net progress. We are also supporting primary healthcare. Consider the shortage of pharmacy staff. This is the solution to a pressing issue.”

Pieterjan: “Indeed, it is never a form of competition, it’s complementary. This is true at Jims as well, where chronic cardiac patients can work on their follow-up stage. We collaborate with about a dozen hospitals because they would otherwise have to introduce a patient freeze. If their condition is chronic, it means they can continue to play sport. It’s better they do that with us than take up an acute healthcare spot in a hospital. Their physiotherapists attend the first session, after all, they are the ones who prescribe the exercise, and in doing so demonstrate their support for the plan. An added bonus is that the new members can continue to play sport together and can rely on the support of trained coaches. This is a great example of how we should approach health together.”

Does the customer consider you to be credible?

Pieterjan: “Jims - and I think the same goes for Newpharma - is working hard on that relationship of trust with the customer. You can’t imagine how close the relationship can be, by the way. Members confide a great deal in us: their complexes, ailments resulting from old age and mental well-being issues. We provide a safe place for them to keep doing that. All our co-workers know the members by name, they are familiar with the family situation, any travel plans, in short: the person behind the customer. That’s why our members view us as a home from home.”


Gilles: “Yes, of course we are credible too. We are a pharmacy, so our team includes pharmacists. The fact that our focus is digital doesn’t change that. And we also find that people are very loyal to their e-pharmacy. I believe this is largely since the Covid-19 pandemic. At the time, Newpharma made a lot of effort to offer self-testing online. And our customers obviously appreciated that.”

Gilles Jourquin, business unit manager of Newpharma.

How do you approach health for so many different customers?

Gilles: “As Pieterjan mentioned, its many brands are Colruyt Group’s strength. A little pill from Newpharma is not going to make up for a poor diet. We can put together a healthy shopping list with Collect&Go or work on mental well-being at Colruyt Group Academy. All based on what the customer is looking for.”

Pieterjan: “Yes, I think the word ‘personalised’ is appropriate in this context. Personal support is way too expensive. Personalised support is feasible. Dividing our members into target groups and communities makes it easier for them to find what they are looking for. Take the example of our Moving Moms, Belgium’s largest prenatal and postnatal project. People with a weak back, those new to sport, pregnant women: all groups who often have similar demands.”

How will you convince people?

Pieterjan: “One thing is certain: we will never smugly wag a finger at someone. It’s a question that crops up frequently: what about the unhealthy products on the shelves of our food stores? We let members or customers make their own choices. Did you just run a marathon? If so, you can be less strict once in a while. We do offer them information, training, unambiguous packaging and digital tools so they can decide for themselves what suits them. Health will always be something personal.”

Pieterjan Nuitten, business unit manager Jims
One thing is certain: we will never smugly wag a finger at someone.

Gilles: “Yes, I also saw an advertisement for Jims at the checkout in my Colruyt store the other day. It’s a good example of how we can nudge customers in the right direction. However, we put the customer’s choice first. Newpharma’s assortment can also be found in the Xtra app, which connects all our brands. Again, easy for the customer but never obligatory.”


What point are you at today and what does the future hold?

Gilles: “I am extremely proud that you can find 50,000 products in our online pharmacy. Since January, Newpharma is the largest online pharmacy in France, a great milestone. We have some 700,000 loyal customers in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria and a lot of potential in, for example, central Europe. And now we also want to intensify our customer relationships by offering additional services to current customers. But at the moment, I am satisfied!”

Pieterjan: “Since our recent acquisition of NRG, we suddenly became the second largest chain of gyms. We have national coverage and that is very interesting at a time when people are working from home. It is totally consistent with our group’s mission to make health as accessible as possible. We are also going to focus more on collaborating with hospitals and look at health even more broadly. The mind, sleep and stress: how do we approach it all? We have some knowledge but we may look for an external partner to support us in this area.” 

A woman attending a webinar

Gilles: “True, are you really healthy if you feel lonely or a little lost? For example, I see opportunities for Colruyt Group Academy to connect people even more. It can respond to that. Let me put it this way: we offer a rational response to health. But what about maintaining your health? That too requires inspiration. We have to work on that part of our story too if we want to convince our members or our customers.”

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